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A sign from the universe?

Whenever I text, email, or reply to anything on my phone, I always end up typing the 'i' for the 'o'... which means that 99% of the time 'love' ends up as 'live'... and I have to correct it, which is often, because I easily use the word love dozens of times a day.

Anyway, it always makes me grin.... to me it's as if I have these bright red flashing lights in my face telling me to "LIVE, LIZZY!  LIVE!"

There's a saying I see oh-too-often that hangs as a heartwarming sentiment on so many refrigerators, pressed in vinyl onto so many signs made at Relief Society homemaking days... I even bought one for my mom from some online country store 15 years ago and it hangs above a doorway in her house.  What I'm trying to say is how cliche the saying is... how overused it is... and yet... it's the one little phrase that keeps coming back to me these days... 'Live, Love, Laugh'.

I think I've got the loving and laughing parts down pat.  I love SOO many people!  I really do.  Loving's always come easily to me... and it happens quickly and abundantly.  I can meet someone and totally love them in moments.  Same goes for laughing.  I can be cooped up in my house all day and laugh at and to myself (out loud) several times throughout... laughing is like second in nature to me as breathing. There are times I roll over laughing and I love it... I get this overwhelming feeling of delight when I'm alone and laughing out loud... it's as if everything is right with the world.

Which leaves the living part.... *sigh*

I was thinking about when I first got really sick... I mean the debilitating kind... where for the first time ever I accepted that I had an illness and had to take it easy.  I know exactly when it was... Thanksgiving of Sarah's junior year in high school.  Sad thing is, that was five years ago and now it's become super easy for me to use it as an excuse... maybe not exactly an excuse... because I still do the things I really need to... hence, IF I can.  But in some ways, I feel like I've forgotten HOW to live.  I've become so cautious I think it would terrify me to REALLY put myself out there.  I used to be so unafraid and carefree about the world... always looking for a new experience, a destination with lots of adventure along the way.  It makes me tired just thinking about it.  Along with the whole 'LIVE' thing blinding me in every text (or so) there's also an inspirational quote that says... 'do one thing that scares you every day'... and every time I think about LIVING, this pops into my head.

I'm not making any promises here that I'm suddenly going to take life by the horns and do something everyday that I'll need to down a boatload of meds for... I'm just throwing this out there... into the universe... where the idea may have come from in the first place... maybe.

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