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Showing posts from June, 2013

'...bringing us banana bread'

Was watching Alias on Netflix a several weeks ago when this song came on at the beginning of an episode... It totally struck a chord with me... so I went on the hunt to find out the band, the name of the song. Needless to say, I came up empty. I researched the episode, listening to everything they had listed... and nada. I finally asked on a public message board and got this answer a few days ago... funny, I'd looked for this song but couldn't find it anywhere.


 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, 'The Laborers in the Vineyard'

And the weirdness never ends...

I hate tomatoes... and yet, I love them. I think they taste amazing in salsa, marinara sauce, soups and stews, ketchup, on sandwiches and hamburgers (as long as they're thinly sliced), in bruschetta (like I made above)... And yet, if I bite into one in a salad I almost shudder. I see people take bites into them as if they're apples and I can barely stomach the thought. Go figure.

3 clean jokes... LOL!

I can NEVER remember jokes... only two knock-knock jokes my dad always told.  For some reason I just can't pull a good one outta my hat. So, on that list of 'Lifes Little Instructions' I posted a few days ago, one says to learn three clean jokes. I have them... I've been paying attention on facebook and other places lately. Highly doubt I'll ever be able to deliver them properly... but, oh well. #1... What does a nosey pepper do? Gets jalapeno business. #2... Why don'tcha wanna TACO 'bout it? Cuz I'm NACHO friend anymore. #3... Of course now I can't remember it.  *sigh* Hehehe! *EDIT* August 4.... Found these: What do you call it when Batman skips church? Christian Bale Need an ark? I Noah guy!

Happy colors!

& Thinking of using them for *my* room upstairs... the catch-all one with the slanted low-hanging roof... very cozy. When we were in Oregon last fall and stayed at this enchanting, delightful little place on Cannon Beach, I LOVED the quilt on our bed!  I loved the whole place... done in similar colors as those above. I took a pic of it (below), bought all the colors of fabric when we got home and think I'm gonna go for it.   Yippeee!

Two great minds.... Lowell Bennion and Dr. Seuss

LOVE this book! By one of my heroes.... Lowell Bennion. It's been out of print for years, so whenever I can find a used copy on Amazon or eBay, I buy it... and give it away. I gave it to Ally for graduation... all the basics she needs to know about life are covered in simple thoughts in this book; Faith, creativity, love, freedom, aesthetic feeling, learning, integrity, human relationships, sensuous satisfactions, health and economic sufficiency. I'm re-reading it.... and prolly should about once a year.  =) The other book I gave Ally for graduation was by Dr. Seuss... 'Oh the Places You'll Go!' I asked all the close people in her life to write something to her in it....  Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own.  And you know what you know.


Yesterday I received an email from a friend that said: I’m feeling really in a good place today, Lizzy Lou.  I am trying not to let any outside stuff influence my mood.  I like feeling like this!! I went on to ask what specifically (if there was a reason) made them feel this way. They named several small and simple reasons why... the kind that most people don't give much thought to.  I wish I could write exactly what they said, but it was a personal email to me and I don't feel comfortable publishing any more than what I already did above. However, I did tell them that everything they'd just told me reminded me of my gratitude journal. So, I went rummaging through my the books I keep by the side of my bed... ... and found it... hasn't been written in in years. I was talking to my wonderful sister-in-law the other night (who's also 3 years younger than me and, I might add, one of the most pleasant, easy-going, happy people around, AND going through the ch

I love EVERYTHING about this list!

Pop's day!

And a very happy one to a man that I know would do ANYTHING in the world for me... < 3

Stand in a field of sunflowers...

... that go on and on for as far as the eyes can see.

In the next life....

... I want a brain like C.S. Lewis.  Period. "Are not all lifelong friendships born at the moment when at last you meet another human being who has some inkling (but faint and uncertain even in the best) of that something which you were born desiring, and which, beneath the flux of other desires and in all the momentary silences between the louder passions, night and day, year by year, from childhood to old age, you are looking for, watching for, listening for?  You have never had it.  All the things that have ever deeply possessed your soul have been but hints of it -- tantalising glimpses, promises never quite fulfilled, echoes that died away just as they caught your ear.  But if it should really become manifest -- if there ever came an echo that did not die away but swelled into the sound itself -- you should know it.  Beyond all possibility of doubt you would say 'Here at last is the thing I was made for.'" ~~~ "If we find ourselves with a desi


My earthly wonders.... Sarah and Ally...  

Come as you are...

One thing I get a good laugh about almost everyday is the difference in my daughters. I couldn't love two people more than I love them.... they bring me so much joy and yet often times in completely opposite ways. For example, their latest postings on fb.... From Sarah (last night)... a screenshot of texts between one of Sarah's friends and TJ... Sar thought it was hilarious: From Ally tonight... Ally 4 hours ago   "The world thinks in order to love someone, THEY need to serve YOU. I think that is completely backwards. In order for your love to grow for someone, YOU must serve THEM." -Tom Lungren.   There is no greater way of showing your love for someone than by giving away sunshine with a little act of kindness. It may take time away from your day, but in return, it adds some sunshine to your own soul.  They teach me SOO much... mainly about being true to themselves.  Neither has ever been afraid to be anything but COMPLETELY wh

A sign from the universe?

Whenever I text, email, or reply to anything on my phone, I always end up typing the 'i' for the 'o'... which means that 99% of the time 'love' ends up as 'live'... and I have to correct it, which is often, because I easily use the word love dozens of times a day. Anyway, it always makes me grin.... to me it's as if I have these bright red flashing lights in my face telling me to "LIVE, LIZZY!  LIVE!" There's a saying I see oh-too-often that hangs as a heartwarming sentiment on so many refrigerators, pressed in vinyl onto so many signs made at Relief Society homemaking days... I even bought one for my mom from some online country store 15 years ago and it hangs above a doorway in her house.  What I'm trying to say is how cliche the saying is... how overused it is... and yet... it's the one little phrase that keeps coming back to me these days... 'Live, Love, Laugh'. I think I've got the loving and laughing p