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St. George

I've thought a lot about St. George lately.

Maybe because it was summer and I spent a good amount of my childhood summers there.... with mega awesome memories of everything about it.  So I wanted to get some of them down before I forget.

I also loved fall and spring... but summer was freedom... unabasqued childlike freedom!

Visits to Mary's... her lovely gardens, the way her eyes sparkled and her St. Francis statue in the courtyard I was always drawn to
Walks to and exploration of the Indian rock
The pink beach cruiser bike I rode everywhere
Dick's Cafe for breakfast
Playing on the golf course at night
Palm trees, red rock and dirt, pampus grass
Lucky Charms cereal
Horseback riding every morning
Finding arrowheads
The pomegranate tree in the backyard, the peach tree on the side of the house and the daisy bushes Grandma Shirley cut and put in vases on the dinner table
Swimming all afternoon and into the evening... some times 12 hours a day
Ben Franklin Variety store
Dinner at the BCC and buying new dresses for special occasions there
Jack the French chef and his out of this world cheesecake
Trips to Zions and eating at Grandma's Kitchen
The toy store
The Elks Club for Chinese food
Visits to the rock store
Golf lesson after golf lesson and NEVER getting it.... except for one small freak streak I had in 3rd grade
Santa Clara... the Jacob Hamblin home, the fruit stand and Snow Canyon
The Gable House and Monte Cristo sandwiches
Picnics at Pine Valley

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