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Lake McDonald, Montana

Have I ever talked about my thing for rocks?  Have had it since I was a little girl.... loved to collect rocks and go to rock shops.  I even have a few sitting next to my bed (nothing bigger than what fits in the palm of your hand) right now that've caught my fancy the last year or so... or that someone's given me.  Like the small white one Ally gave to me from our trip to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, at the Quileute Indian Reservation beach (okay, yeah... so it was really to see 'Twilight' country, but we saw some pretty amazing scenery as well)... and then a black rock Rob found on our trip to the Oregon Coast last year.

Anyway... there's this lake in Montana... Lake McDonald... obviously from the subject heading... and it's got shores of brightly-colored rocks.  So guess what got added to the bucket list as soon as I saw the photos?  Yep... I will go there... for the rocks.... just to see the pretty colors. 

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