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Showing posts from September, 2013

She's a keeper!!

And Ally named her Quincy.   And if you can tell where this pic is taken, you can see she's claimed OUR bed as HER territory! We heart her!
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Lake McDonald, Montana

Have I ever talked about my thing for rocks?  Have had it since I was a little girl.... loved to collect rocks and go to rock shops.  I even have a few sitting next to my bed (nothing bigger than what fits in the palm of your hand) right now that've caught my fancy the last year or so... or that someone's given me.  Like the small white one Ally gave to me from our trip to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, at the Quileute Indian Reservation beach (okay, yeah... so it was really to see 'Twilight' country, but we saw some pretty amazing scenery as well)... and then a black rock Rob found on our trip to the Oregon Coast last year. Anyway... there's this lake in Montana ... Lake McDonald ... obviously from the subject heading... and it's got shores of brightly-colored rocks.  So guess what got added to the bucket list as soon as I saw the photos?  Yep... I will go there... for the rocks.... just to see the pretty colors. 

Sonic ice

I eat it like a handful of popcorn. And I looked into buying the same kind of machine they use to make it.... a Scotsman. However, they're 2K... so it's a no-go. I'll just keep ordering my 4 Route 44 cups of ice at the drive-up window for .25 each every few days.

Cottonwood Dairy

Life lessons from Edith and Shirley...

I'll keep adding to this as things come to mind... Edith: ALWAYS have a few good spatulas in your kitchen. When boiling green peas, always sprinkle a bit of sugar in the water. "Don't EVER buy thread Elizabeth.  I have PLENTY of thread." Shirley: Me: "I'm done"... Shirley: "Really?  Are you well-done?" Me: "Okay.  I'm finished."

Fruit coming out my ears! Fresh Raspberried Cantaloupe 1 fresh cantaloupe, de-seeded and either sliced into cubes or into rounds using a  melon baller 6 oz fresh raspberries {you'll only use about 4 oz or 2/3 the container} 2-3 tsp raw honey 2-3 fresh mint leaves Rinse about 2/3 the container of a 6-oz package of fresh raspberries and pat dry. Using a small blender or food processor, blend the raspberries with the honey and mint leaves.  Immediately pour puree over the cantaloupe rounds. Mix well, until all cantaloupe is covered.  Serve as a refreshing, sweet treat or atop vanilla ice cream.  ENJOY!

St. George

I've thought a lot about St. George lately. Maybe because it was summer and I spent a good amount of my childhood summers there.... with mega awesome memories of everything about it.  So I wanted to get some of them down before I forget. I also loved fall and spring... but summer was freedom... unabasqued childlike freedom! Visits to Mary's... her lovely gardens, the way her eyes sparkled and her St. Francis statue in the courtyard I was always drawn to Walks to and exploration of the Indian rock Duck-O! The pink beach cruiser bike I rode everywhere Dick's Cafe for breakfast Playing on the golf course at night Palm trees, red rock and dirt, pampus grass Lucky Charms cereal Horseback riding every morning Finding arrowheads The pomegranate tree in the backyard, the peach tree on the side of the house and the daisy bushes Grandma Shirley cut and put in vases on the dinner table Swimming all afternoon and into the evening... some times 12 hours a day Ben Frank

Lake Quinault Lodge