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What's that expression???

(6:00 a.m.) You know, where you're really really hoping for something to happen... but it's not just wishful thinking.  It's like you "command it to happen"... no, that's not it.  "Wield it to happen" ...nope, doesn't make sense.  I'm pretty sure it starts with a "w" though.

Anyway... I'm just gonna say it.  The last few days have been pretty *beep* (insert whatever word you like... though mine's a negative 10-4).  I think it's that time where it's the end of winter and to add injury to insult (or is it "insult to injury"?), it really IS *that time*... and you just need that one really incredible and ultra bright sunny day.

Ugh... just checked the weather; gray skies, cloudy, windy and some PM showers.


(8:30 a.m.) The above entry is what happens when you post and really have no business being awake yet.  Dutch Boy hollered in a whisper, down the hall to "come back to bed"... so I did.  And when I flopped down (and even though he was mostly asleep), I asked him the same thing about the expression for hopeful/wishing thinking... of course he yawned and answered "will it to happen".  I knew it was a "w" word!  Then, oh happy day, the morning news came on and an ad for the upcoming evening TV lineup.... behind those gray clouds is a silver lining!  A new episode of 'Modern Family' comes on tonight... I don't even care if it's a good one or not, it's something to look forward to TODAY and that's all that matters.  I REALLY need to start keeping a gratitude journal again.  That's what got me through those dark, windy, Antartica-of-the-lower-48 (or is it upper?) Rexburg days when the kids were little and we couldn't open the front door for fear of our nasal cavities freezing right up.

Anyway, the birds are singing and I'm headed to a friends house in a minute, where from there we will proceed to City Light and drop off much of what was donated at the special dinner last week. =D

I'm finally going to start my indoor (to be moved outdoor when the weather gets better) garden.

I'll make some yummy soup for dinner (one of the few reasons I ever look forward to winter in the first place... "soup season"), since I'm willing "Jack Frost... be gone!"... so I've got it in my head that we've just got to sup on it, since there isn't much time left for having it ("willing" it to happen... take a breath, Liz). <---- None of this makes sense... well, in my head it does, so I'm keeping it.

It's going to be a grand-daddy of a good day!

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