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Gotta love Stan

So today is Sarah's (my oldest's) last Saturday with us in Boise for a while (she's moving to Salt Lake this week). ..want to make every minute with her count (why do I always wait till the last?). Anyway, apparently, it's been the wettest May on record here for rain, so once again, it was an inside day for everyone.

When the kids were little, one of the activities they loved most was painting ceramics. I was amazed that 'Ceramica' was still even open. With David (my brother) here visiting his wife, Stacy (who is living with us while she does a nurse anesthetist residency) we made a day of painting on various forms and trying out 'Stans Charbroiled Hotdogs' (same stripmall as Ceramica).

I'd recommend 'Stan's' to anyone...a fun, new place to eat incredibly healthified food...HA!

And a big thanks to Stacy and David for including us in their fun plans for the day!

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