Probly my favorite week of the whole year. Everything about is spiritual in nature. Beginning with Palm Sunday. I miss the days when my girls were little and we'd make palm leaves out of paper and tell the story of Jesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on a donkey never ridden before and how the people lined the streets with their palm leaves and waved them and tossed them on the ground before Him as He came. It's why I have a palm tree in my living room.... because I love this story and the tree growing in my front window is a simple reminder of what I believe... that when He does come again I hope I'll recognize Him and show Him the reverence and love deserving of the one and only King of Kings. Everything is blooming.... and everywhere that just born, brand new green is popping up. There's nothing like "new green". And the pale pink buds and blossoms. And a blue March sky. Only Divinity could have come up with a palate of such subtle ...