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Showing posts from 2016

Playing an old game.....

..... Ally and I. It happened as we were driving down Ustick Rd. the other day and saw a car with a Hawaii license plate.... then 20 seconds later Connecticut and Pennsylvania.  Now, if you've never been on Ustick Rd, you might not understand the significance of that. Ally got Alaska yesterday. Guess I better get out more.


God, shield my beloved, my white dove. And the.... .... child that she may one day bear. Preserve her from violence.... ..... and from harm. In this place.... .... and every place. On this night... .... and on every night.

Reading a bit from Jane Eyre this morning.....

....... and came across this: "I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself." Because sometimes the simplicity of a quiet, yet productive, life, sounds absolutely divine.

Holy Week (and me finally getting grace in a teeny tiny way)

Probly my favorite week of the whole year. Everything about is spiritual in nature.  Beginning with Palm Sunday.  I miss the days when my girls were little and we'd make palm leaves out of paper and tell the story of Jesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on a donkey never ridden before and how the people lined the streets with their palm leaves and waved them and tossed them on the ground before Him as He came.  It's why I have a palm tree in my living room.... because I love this story and the tree growing in my front window is a simple reminder of what I believe... that when He does come again I hope I'll recognize Him and show Him the reverence and love deserving of the one and only King of Kings. Everything is blooming.... and everywhere that just born, brand new green is popping up.  There's nothing like "new green".  And the pale pink buds and blossoms.  And a blue March sky.  Only Divinity could have come up with a palate of such subtle gran

25 Excellent Pieces of Advice

When you hear good advice, you should always do two things: Take it in and pass it on. It's easy to find someone to tell you what you want to hear, but your true ally is one who tells you what you need to learn. Give yourself an edge with these 25 gems of sage advice that most people ignore. 1. Take time to know yourself. "Know thyself" said Aristotle. When you know who you are, you can be wise about your goals, your dreams, your standards, your convictions. Knowing who you are allows you to live your life with purpose and meaning. 2. A narrow focus brings big results. The number one reason people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have come. But it's a series of small wins that can give us the most significant success. 3. Show up fully. Don't dwell on the past, and don't daydream about the future, but concentrate on showing up fully in the present moment. 4. Don't mak

Thou gorbellied unchin-snouted foot-licker!

Found a list of things we should all stop doing by the time we're 30...

A list of 30+ things... Not going to include it all..... some were pitifully obvious and shouldn't even need an explanation. However...... still, there are some I found applicable that I'm doing 20+ years beyond. Apologizing for everything under the sun. Rejecting compliments rather than accepting them. Coming undone because you spotted a new wrinkle. Hating your body. Putting off exercise in favor of watching  Real Housewives  reruns (in my case, more like Masterpiece Theater-type stuff). Saying you’ll travel “someday.” Hanging on to friends that don’t enrich your life. Buying tons of groceries, then letting it all go to waste because takeout is so convenient. Pretending you don’t understand the meaning of the word “budget.” Sentencing every single one of your plants to a parched or waterlogged death. Trying to get through life on five hours of sleep a night. Letting your laundry pile up until the heap is big enough to double as a modern art in
"We're in the midst of a political season that's enough to make even the most hopeful spirits surrender to cynicism. I've always considered WONDER to be one of the most effective antidotes to cynicism. So today, do something that inspires wonder in your life..." ~Rachel Held Evans My new goal... do something/look for something once a day that inspires "aww" in my life.  Seriously, it won't take much.  Some days just the smell of my pencil or a handful of popcorn or my cat eyeing a squirrel through the back window... even vacuuming... makes me smile.


My new word. gob·smacked ˈɡäbˌsmakt/ adjective BRITISH informal adjective:  gobsmacked ; adjective:  gob-smacked utterly astonished; astounded.

A new way of looking at things....
26  Feelings You Should Experience At Some Point In Your Life 1. The feeling when you travel to a new place. There are few things more exhilarating than exploring uncharted territory, whether it's in another country or in your own city. Science backs this up: Research shows  people are happier when they spend money on experiences  over material possessions. 2. The feeling after laughing so hard your stomach hurts. It's the best kind of high. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Studies suggest it can  boost your immune system, lower blood pressure and, yes, increase your happiness levels . 3. The feeling when someone says "I love you." It doesn't mater if it's coming from your significant other, your parents or your best friend: Love is a  biologically wired mind-body experience . It's the one feeling that's completely universal. 4. The feeling when you perform a random act of kindness. The ability to put a smile on someone else