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'Prayers For Sale'

I sort of ended up reading this book by mistake.

I was out to lunch with a friend last week whose book tastes I have always admired..... every book recommendation she has ever given me (at least 20) I have loved.

So, she gave me a list of about five new books to read and I could've sworn the above was on it.  Turns out it was just one recommended by Amazon because of a few others I was buying.

It started out great.  Totally held my interest.  But the middle to close to the end dragged on and on.  And sadly it became a to-do list item because I wanted to finish it.  I Hate starting a book and not finishing it.  It has to be absolutely horrid for me not to.  I always figure that there is something to be learned, even in mediocrity.

And I finished it today.  Took me almost a week.

I did end up loving the ending.

It was the kind of book that gives you a sense of how much better life is when you take hold of the moment and live it.  When you don't let a day pass by without finding some small way to make the world a better place.

And being the ever romantic that I am, my heart pitter-pattered that even in the autumn of life true love can still be found and start anew.

All in all, I'm glad I finished it.

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