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I find....

... that I write on this blog mostly when the weather's gloomy and also when I'm at my most unproductive moments.

But today the sky is blue blue and the sun is shining bright and it started off with an email from my English Daisy...... and I'm going to share..... because even if it was all soupy and bleak and cloudy and gray outside, how could my day not be full of sunshine after an email like this?

*It won't make much sense because much of it was in answer to the email and photos I sent her.



I had a fantastic week this week!!!!! I really really did!!!!

Mom you are a miracle!!!! I really think you are!!!!

I was talking about you last night and said that you meant the absolute world to me!!!!! I'm such a mommy's girl now..... < 3 But the best part about it is that you are NEVER  going to get rid of me!!!!


I am sooo glad you had a good birthday!!!! You deserve the best birthday in the entire world!!!!!!

And I amso glad you love being in the YSA ward!!!

Awwwww!!! Sari is sooo sweet!!!!

Oh, please do!!! I'll do it with you!!!!! < 3

A line a day to keep you grateful all the way!!!!! < 3

HOW FUNNN!!!!!! YESSS!!! LET'S GO THERE!!!!!!! < 3

Looks sooo awesome!!!!!!!!!

AWWWW!!! Mom, you're adorable!!!!!!! < 3 I loveyou!!

YOU STARTED THE ART CLASS!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! < 3 Mom, you were meant to be an artist!!! Really!!!!!

Oh, my baby... < 3 She's not to get run over by a car. Ever. < 3

WOW!! That's England!! :)


THAT'S MY FAV SCRIPTURE!!!!! Replace the word light with Christ. < 3

That which is of God is Christ; and he that receiveth Christ, and continueth‍ in God, receiveth more [of] Christ; and Christ [within he doth receive] groweth purer and purer until the perfect day. < 3

oh, mom.... I soooo proud of you!!!! I really amm!!!!!!! < 3.

I love your testimony sooo much, mommy!!!!! I am there right with you!!!!! I. Am. So. Blessed. Every single day I witness a miracle wrought by the hands of He who paved the way. God loves me. HE LOVES ME!!!!! To know that and to be grateful for it is to touch heaven. < 3

OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me soooo happy!!!!!! I'm smiling ear to ear right now... < 3 

Mom, I miss you!!! Hahaa Joy told me! I won't, I promise! :) I'll take FABULOUS care of myself. < 3 I promise!!!! 

ILOVEYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pray for you everyday and fast for you every week!!!!! < 3 Loveyou!!!!!

Oh, mom... That means the world to me... Sometimes I feel I'm not good enough.... But, I know that that is not true. Because of course, I could definitely be better than who I am now, but because I have Jesus Christ, He makes up the difference. I sacrifice what I can when I can where I can.. Even if it isn't enough. Because He then takes it and MAKES it enough.

I came on my mission to pay Him back...

But, now I owe Him even more. < 3

How could anyone not have a killer-awesome day after that!!

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