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December 1st....

A date that will be forever written on my heart.

On this day, 19 years ago, a truly pure and beautiful spirit made her earthly appearance into my life... into this world.

Little did I know just how great an honor it would be to have her in my life, let alone be her mother.

This morning as she was playing with our cat Quincy on my bed, I realized JUST how unspotted she has remained from this world.  Whereas, most of us have been at least a bit affected by human circumstances.... scathed by our own choosing or even letting what others may have brought upon us drag us down.... she has NOT.

I thought of her life thus far.  It's not as though nothing terrible has ever happened to her.... there have been things... she has chosen to rise above them though.  Always.

Her motto.... "Find joy in the journey..."

And she has..... EVERY day.

She is the most courageous spirit I know.

So, as she stood there, I thought of how new and pure and innocent and strong and loving and good she was 19 years ago.... and none of that has changed a bit..... and I was overcome by the emotion of being in the presence of divinity.  She lifts me up just by being near her.

Truly, an angel here on earth.

Because of her, how could I ever question a greater plan.... an eternity, endless in wonder and love.

She gives me hope for all that is good.

And so I thank a loving God for blessing me with this most amazing gift... a testament that He loves me....

.... my Ally.

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