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Showing posts from December, 2013

Part of my heart is going on a little trip to England soon...

A BIG part of my heart!  And actually a BIG trip! And like someone else said on fb: "London is about to see more sunshine than they ever have!" A truer statement was never spoken.

The latest google home page art....


Decided to post a cooking pic.... Not that I took the time to REALLY make these little pita trees beautiful...I only sprinkled on the red peppers... didn't place them in carefully chosen spots.... because people (and mostly men) would be looking at them for 2 seconds, deciding if they were stomach-worthy, then popping them in their mouths... but still thought they were kind of fun and festive! Anyway... I changed the recipe a bit... as I can't stomach guacamole and am not a huge hummus fan.  So, I went to my trusty spinach dip recipe and since the trees needed to have a good green hue, I pulverized it all... and made a few adjustments.   And didn't go the light-on-fat version, either.... this is the holiday season, after all! Pita Christmas Tree Appetizers 1 packet Knorr vegetable recipe mix 1 cube cream cheese 1 1/2 c. mayo 1 - 10 oz. box frozen, chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry (really ring that sucker out!) 1/2 c. chopped, fresh basil


My cause for reflection lately. What I expect of myself, what others expect of me, what I expect of others. What's really fair from all three? I'm still pondering... And maybe a bit too much on the emotional side. I wonder things like: Who am I letting down? How much should be expected from me? Do I continue to expect the best from others even when I've been let down? Is there any way a balance can be reached... not becoming a total pessimist, but not remaining the eternal optimist that is disappointed more often than I'd care to be? Do I have the right to expect anything from anyone... and who? And maybe most importantly... do I have too high or too low expectations of myself?

Dearest Santa.... please... bring me.... Do you remember me I sat upon your knee I wrote to you with childhood fantasies Well I'm all grown-up now And still need help somehow I'm not a child But my heart still can dream So here's my lifelong wish My grown-up Christmas list Not for myself But for a world in need No more lives torn apart That wars would never start And time would heal all hearts Everyone would have a friend And right would always win And love would never end This is my grown-up Christmas list As children we believed The grandest sight to see Was something lovely Wrapped beneath our tree Well heaven surely knows That packages and bows Can never heal a hurting human soul What is this illusion called The innocence of youth Maybe only in our blind belief Can we ever find the truth

Yesterday was Miss Sari's big day....

And today she passed her cosmetology finals and now has her license... Where did all the time go? She continues to amaze me.... EVERY day. She is the most hard working person for her age I have ever known. She just doesn't quit. And she's good at so many things. To name a few:

December 1st....

A date that will be forever written on my heart. On this day, 19 years ago, a truly pure and beautiful spirit made her earthly appearance into my life... into this world. Little did I know just how great an honor it would be to have her in my life, let alone be her mother. This morning as she was playing with our cat Quincy on my bed, I realized JUST how unspotted she has remained from this world.  Whereas, most of us have been at least a bit affected by human circumstances.... scathed by our own choosing or even letting what others may have brought upon us drag us down.... she has NOT. I thought of her life thus far.  It's not as though nothing terrible has ever happened to her.... there have been things... she has chosen to rise above them though.  Always. Her motto.... "Find joy in the journey..." And she has..... EVERY day. She is the most courageous spirit I know. So, as she stood there, I thought of how new and pure and innocent and strong and loving