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My first guest post....

I decided to start asking people to contribute anything they might want to to my blog (actually more that *I* want to hear their thoughts.... get a glimpse into their lives... lives that have blessed mine greatly!).  Anything they want to say..... random thoughts.... maybe about a book they've been reading, a film they saw, a quote they read, music they listened to, something they're grateful for, a lesson learned.... ANYTHING.

I'm excited!

And so, it begins....


How special is Man?

Consider the following facts.

The earth is about 4.54 billion years old.

Life first appeared on earth about 2 billion years ago.  So, for more than half the time the earth’s been around, not even an amoeba could be found swimming in a sludge pond.

The most famous of the dinosaurs, the T. Rex lived for 2 million years, but died out about 65 million years ago.

Anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens, aka wise man) appeared about 12,000 years ago.

12,000 years seems a lot (and is), but consider time as distance on the following scale...

Imagine the history of the earth on a straight line, exactly 1 mile (1,760 yards) long – go to the far end (year 0) and start walking to the other end (today)...

Just past half way, at the 984 yard mark, the first rudimentary life form appears.

T. Rex appears at the 1,735 yard mark and lives for a mere 27 inches.

Man appeared at the 1,759.9953 yard mark and has been around for the last 0.17 OF AN INCH...

So, let me ask you again: how special is Man?


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