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Ally time...

Was looking at Ally's facebook page tonight and all these had been posted in the last few days... (my apologies... again... for my lovely cut and paste talents from off facebook)

ALLY BEAR!!!!! TBH what can I not say about you?!! I'm afraid I'm going to leave something out but here it goes.... You are an incredibly sweet and caring person who literally changes lives everytime something comes out of your mouth haha I'm so glad that we're friends because everytime I see you, you always find a way to cheer me up or make me smile. I know you have big plans for your future and I'm so proud of you because you are going to do so much with your life and bring so much good into this world. You are so inspiring and so many people look up to you; its incredible :) I hope you achieve total fulfillment in your life because you deserve every happiness that comes your way ♥ love you :)
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via mobile
Ally your such a sweet girl your really outgoing and I love your personality oh and hair and eyes(:
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I just wanted to make you aware that if I didn't have you in my life, I don't know what I'd do. You don't know how much your "dang girl, you look fine!" and "I freaking love you" comments mean to me. And you always manage to find me when I'm having a rough day to tell me that "omg you think I'm hot". Haha your mama should be proud. She raised a kind beautiful and overall incredible daughter♥ I love you always.
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  • Ally and one other person like this.
  • Oh, my goodness... Kirsten! You are such a wonderful soul. ♥ Never forget the beautiful Daughter of God that you are!! You're such a pearl. Love you soo much!! ♥
  • I love you too darling♥

posted t
Wednesday near 
Your One Of The Sweetest Giirls I Know. You've Been My Shoulder to Cry On SO Many Tiimes. I Miss Your Beautiful Face

We'll Do Lunch Here Soon Yes? Yes((:
I Hope Your Doiing Good Babes!♥
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  • Ally likes this.
  • I love my MorganBooBear!! :) i miss your face!! :( Lunch? Paalease!! I'm always here as your shoulder :)
  • Text Me Sweetie && We'll Fiigure Something Out(:

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Tbh, If i could even have 1% of the heart you had id be satisfide, you are the nicest person alive. And not only to youre friends but anyone who you come into contact with. I truly have NOTHING negitive to say about you, When i switched schools you where nothing but sweetness to me so thank you ally.(: i love you♥


posted to

You my help me get through all my rough spots. You are so nice and sweet and funny. You probably know me better than I do. I love you baby! You are like my rock! NINE!!!! All the way you are as close as it gets!! The only person who's above you is the person I love! ♥ can't wait to see you chicka!!

I have a story for you.. On my drive home from Utah today, I had some trippy experiences... So, it's raining, right? Right. And there's this truck that is tailing my bum like nobody's beeswax. And all I'm thinking is, "You turkey. I hope your trousers catch on fire..." And he passes me and I see on his back window, "In Loving Memory, Sharon, My Wife." Oh, dang... I feel horrible... Five moments la
ter, I see a billboard that says, "Where are you going? Heaven or Hell? Call 800-Get-Truth." Yeah, call me at 1-800-Meanie-Pants... Oh, but wait, guyeees. There's more. It stops raining and we're in the sunshine now. I look in the rearview mirror and see the storm clouds and my mind goes BECHOWJKLAFJ;DL!! All these experiences pieced together like pie. You have no right to judge others and tell them they're going to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks. Everyone is trying to get through their own rainy day. We're all human and if we want to find lasting smiles, we need to stop judging and love everybody. Okay. I'm done. :) LOVE YOU ALL!! Your name is written on my heart. ♥ Love, Me.

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