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Showing posts from May, 2010

Ahh, the blissful calm of Sunday...

If Sunday were a sound (for me), this music would be it... *On a side note, this song is featured during the closing credits of one of the Beatrix Potter/Peter Rabbit stories put to film.

Gotta love Stan

So today is Sarah's (my oldest's) last Saturday with us in Boise for a while (she's moving to Salt Lake this week). ..want to make every minute with her count (why do I always wait till the last?). Anyway, apparently, it's been the wettest May on record here for rain, so once again, it was an inside day for everyone. When the kids were little, one of the activities they loved most was painting ceramics. I was amazed that 'Ceramica' was still even open. With David (my brother) here visiting his wife, Stacy (who is living with us while she does a nurse anesthetist residency) we made a day of painting on various forms and trying out 'Stans Charbroiled Hotdogs' (same stripmall as Ceramica). I'd recommend 'Stan's' to anyone...a fun, new place to eat incredibly healthified food...HA! And a big thanks to Stacy and David for including us in their fun plans for the day!

Grilled Pizza?

Sounded like a fun concept, especially since I'm without an oven right now. 'Buzzings of a Queen Bee' is one of my all-time favorite bloggers and this is where I got the idea. I learned that it is VERY important to roll the dough out thin, as it burns very quickly and for those of us who like thick crusted pizza and left ours that way, we ate it blackened. Otherwise they would have been awesome. I used this pizza sauce's got a kick and next time I may lay off using as many red pepper flakes...but great none the less. We'll definitely try this again. A big big thanks to Dutch Boy who was VERY patient with me during this process and manned the grill with finesse.

Guess what I'm listening to?!?!

Hehehe! Seasons Greetings...okay, so Happy Memorial Day (in a few days)...sheesh.

Another request....

Since I'm blogging right along today and making up for deleting my last account and not much action on this is a website I get asked a lot about...'Good Reads'. This place is like having your own personal online library... and all the work is done for you.  You just add the books you've read/are reading/plan to read, and voila! Need I say more?


Tuesday night my family was lucky (and ailing) enough to receive a treat of epic proportions from our dear and lovely friend, Kirsten Naylor...dinner. All of it was yummy, but what I really want to focus on was the cake she baked and was actually embarrassed to leave with me. She didn't think it looked right and was worried it might not be done...little did she know. Okay, so I called her and this is how she made it (let me just add, it's delicious if served warm...another of her worries): *One French Vanilla cake mix - mix (with an additional 1/2 cup sour cream) and bake as directed on package. *When out out of the oven and still warm, frost with a mixture of powdered sugar, milk, butter and almond flavoring (measurements will be edited in later...after I've experimented). Serve like I said...warm. Our heartfelt thanks, Kirsten. You're a real Idaho gem!

Sexy Motherpucker!

Since I deleted my old blog, I've had a few people ask me to repost a few things from it...such as my love for 'Sexy Motherpucker' lip gloss. Sadly, Target no longer carries it in the clear gloss form...*sulks*....only in the tinted. I'm still pluggin' it puts your lips in that oh-so-delightful pouty and puffy state... oooohlala.