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Ugh. Long week.

Let's see....

Found out I suck at taking online tests/quizzes..... not because I don't know the answers, but twice now I've missed questions because I'm technologically challenged.
Sooo tired of bickering.
It's sheer joy when you confide something totally personal and unflattering about yourself to a friend and without thinking she tells two other people. :-|||||
Your cat has ruined almost every upholstered chair and sofa and every rug in your house with her "indoor" claws and there are several new spots on your carpet from coughing up hairballs (utterly disgusting!).
You've eaten way too many pink lemonade cookies from The Fix and are thinking that making yourself throw up isn't such a bad idea.
You wake up with some sort of migraine every morning.
You miss your kids..... like whopping BIGtime.... but also know if you were with them somehow they'd frustrate you.... because you're already so frustrated with yourself, others easily complicate things, too.
You have people complaining about your YSA ward when they're putting ZILCH effort into it and you look around and see your husband putting every last bit (and moreso) of his strength and time into it.  Yeah.  Sorry. But if all you do is complain, yet you're doing nothing to make things better or change yourself, you ROYALLY suck.
You've spread yourself far too thin.... on every level of your life.

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