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My last 4 posts.....

What can I say?

Can I take them back?


So, one of those days turned into one of those weeks.

Then one of those weeks turned into a few of those weeks.

But the sun is shining a little brighter today.


I've often wondered how people deal with prolonged periods, even lifelong feelings of melancholy, despair, emotional numbness, hopelessness..... well, you get the drift.  How do they get up each day knowing they might not see a silver lining or any tender mercies?  The fact that they keep going is courage and endurance beyond what I can comprehend.


I've never been a very good endurer.

But it's been a word, a character trait, I've thought a lot about lately..... one I'd like to develop..... embody.. empower.

noun: endurance
  1. the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.
    "she was close to the limit of her endurance"
    the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.

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