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Showing posts from May, 2015

Lemons make the world go round....

I'm a lemon lover...... like whopping bigtime. Yes.  I'm going to write an entire post about lemons. When I was little I loved lemonade so much, I used to slice a lemon in half, milk it a little bit so the juice was all loosened, pour a spoonful of sugar in all the little crevices, and plop it into my mouth.  I can remember riding around on my bike with a half a lemon in my mouth and thinking that it was like an everlasting, awesome glass of lemonade as I went about my day.  No effort.  Just there. I try not to think of the poor enamel on my teeth and instead think of the joys of being a carefree little girl and the simplicities of happiness that come so easily through a child's eyes. I have several happy memories of lemons..... My Grandma Ede's famous lemon squares.  Even Dana (my dearest cousin) and I went on a quest a few years ago to find the best lemon squares in Eagle/Boise because our memories of them on sunny, Sunday afternoons at grandmas hous

Aww..... my Sarah girl

Who's extremely independent and fiercely determined.... ...... makes my heart hurt when she calls me (and I know she's been sick) and says in the saddest, froggiest voice (because I've been busy as all get-out the past couple of days), "why haven't you called me the last few days?". Ugh.  [insert major facetious tone] Mother of the year.  Yep.  That's me.

What is it with 3:40 am these days??

Messaging back and forth on facebook right now with one of my dearest friends who's in Hawaii.  And though I'm grouchy, tired (obviously with it being the middle of the night and I'm wide awake) and a bit melancholy (yes, I Lizzy V. get melancholy.... and it actually feels good to admit that, LOL!), I'm adoring her enthusiasm for life..... it's sort of rubbing off on me. I used to feel like I always had to be the one that was constantly riding the 'zest for life wave' for everyone else..... but over the last several years I'm glad I've been able to come to appreciate those that pull me along on their own ride when I don't feel much like doing it myself. Isn't that what relationships are all about?  Give and take?  All of us giving the best of ourselves to each other, and when the worst of ourselves comes out being able to receive love and tolerance from someone who has the strength we lack, but then we give some of our strength to them in

Things I am grateful for at 3:40 am...

- indoor plumbing - Amazon Prime - the oldie time felt-tip pens - friends who remember - my mom having me take sewing lessons at a young age - Trivia Crack challenges - Gold Bond medicated powder