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Showing posts from January, 2015

My English Daisy

Oh goodness goodness me.  < 3

'Daring Greatly'

Latest book I'm starting. I picked it because of some quotes I've read by Brene Brown recently that really struck a chord with me.... And then there's the description of the book... about having the courage to be vulnerable. And there's nothing that terrifies me more than being vulnerable.

I find....

... that I write on this blog mostly when the weather's gloomy and also when I'm at my most unproductive moments. But today the sky is blue blue and the sun is shining bright and it started off with an email from my English Daisy...... and I'm going to share..... because even if it was all soupy and bleak and cloudy and gray outside, how could my day not be full of sunshine after an email like this? *It won't make much sense because much of it was in answer to the email and photos I sent her. Anyway. MOMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOO GLAD THAT YOU LOVED THE FLOWERS!!!!!! I SENT THEM CAUSE I LOVE YOU LOADS!!!!!!!! I had a fantastic week this week!!!!! I really really did!!!! Mom you are a miracle!!!! I really think you are!!!! I was talking about you last night and said that you meant the absolute world to me!!!!! I'm such a mommy's girl now..... < 3 But the best part about it is that you are NEVER  going to get rid of me!!

Dark chocolate peanut butter cups.....

...... from Trader Joes. Oh my holy sakes and funky fresh (for Ally) alive!! A friend gave me a container full for my b-day and out of fear of eating a massive amount I put the whole thing in my purse and carried them around for a few days and shared them with everyone.  You can NOT eat just one.  

Love languages I've always known the love language my children speak.... since they were little. Rob took me a bit longer. I know my parents languages and lately I've been thinking much more about my siblings, Rob's siblings, and my dearest friends. It's taken years to figure out which one I am..... since it's been kind of a tie between three.... but recently, it finally happened.  And although it's one I'm not super pleased about, it is me.  It's what makes me feel secure and safe and loved.  And just because someone doesn't show me love in this certain way (because obviously we all have our own language), it doesn't mean I'm not going to have a connection with them.  It just means that in my deeply closest, most personal and intimately emotional relationships, this area is what does it for my heart.... and it's how my heart gives and shows it to others.
MAYBE I’LL MEET A GIRL By Jeff Benedict This post is about same sex attraction, loneliness, faith, despair, and unconditional love. Clark Johnsen is a 37-year-old Broadway actor. Back in 2010 he heard about a new musical coming to Broadway called The Book of Mormon. The satirical script tells the story of 19-year-old Mormon missionaries sent to Africa to convert villagers to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Clark auditioned. After singing his sixteen bars of music he disclosed his Mormon roots to the casting director. “This is my life story,” Clark told him. “I was raised Mormon. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing for you. But do with it what you will. It turned out to be a good thing. Out of the hundreds who tried out, Clark was one of twenty-eight who were cast. When the musical opened on Broadway on March 24, 2011, he was on stage in the ensemble, wearing a familiar

Something man-made

My English Daisy

This has to be easy............... yes?

All bad (and sometimes even good) things.....

...... will and should come to an end. To make room for new change and growth. And sometimes the most courageous thing we do is draw something good to a close. Not all things are meant to last. Not all. But some...... Especially those of an eternal nature. Those we carve in stone.


...... and my thoughts turn to garnets (my birthstone), gloomy days, dirty snow, homework (though I haven't been in school for years), everything I didn't accomplish the previous year and why, root vegetables, cleaning...... Not much of the above leaves a whole lot to be desired. Wishing I could just skip January all together. So I'm doing little things..... trite, but they make the moment seem a bit better.    Making a new wreath for my front door with white winter berries, twiggys,     pinecones and burlap.    Happy, bright new nail polish.    Turquoise gloves.    Trying lots of new vegetable dishes from recipes I've found on Pinterest.    The birdies need some yummy food..... heart-shaped would be lovely, I think.    A note of gratitude every day. Endure endure endure endure. Endure January.  Wishing I could hibernate.  But knowing I could never get away with it.  Damn.


I want to be that girl again that always has her nose in a book..... It's been a few years.  I've decided to start the year off by reading a book about a time in American history that has always intrigued me..... the great American dust bowl.  The book is called 'The Worst Hard Time'. *insert 2015 reading challenge* Good intentions.