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Life lessons from the Wicked Witch of the West

I'm silly.  It's just a fact.

And after years of planning, though not for want of trying, I FINALLY saw the Broadway production of 'Wicked' today.

I've read the story over and over again (I really detest the book, but am so glad something amazing came out of it... the musical!!), watched the entire thing on YouTube a gazillion times, listened to the CD until it wore out, have had tickets before, and even looked into going to Chicago or Portland to see it.... but it's just never come together.

The last time Rob got me tickets, Sarah ended up having her bridal shoot that weekend in Utah.... and there was NO way under heaven and earth I'd have missed being with her for that (one of the funnest nights of my life!).  But what can you do when you buy tickets six months in advance?

So, Rob took Ally.... and of course, Ally, being Ally, was totally enthralled by it.

Rob, not so much.

But, because he's a good man and the epitome of selflessness, he bought me tickets again for Christmas this year.

I have to be honest, I was MORE than excited to go... but not so much to have him sitting there next to me dozing off.  Which happened three minutes after the curtain went up.

I whispered little things to him about the story, hoping he might get more into it.... but it wasn't until 'Defying Gravity' that I think he really started paying attention.  Who wouldn't be wondering why their wife was a mess of tears while the Wicked Witch of the West was singing her heart out.

And...... he really started to listen to the words.

And get into the story.

Which is really what I want to get to.

The story.

About seeing the good in others and leaving them better than you found them.... or being left yourself a better person than you started out to be because of someone who took the time to REALLY see you... and that there is no way we can possibly begin to comprehend someone's worth.  And do we really know someone?  Their heart, their pain, their joys, their experiences, their sorrows, their inner strengths, their inner fears, their past?

Then 'For Good' came on... and guess who was crying harder than me?  Yep.  He was.

It might have had something to do with Ally singing that at her last voice recital before she graduated from hs, but I think the words really got him.

And I'm grateful.  And happy.  Cause I got to see Wicked for reals today.  And it was just as AWESOME as I always thought it'd be.

PS... the ONLY thing better than seeing Wicked today would be to have Ally here singing her heart out to 'For Good'.

Oh man.

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