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Showing posts from May, 2014
I am REALLY starting to loathe social media. Of course, there's always the positives.... BUT the negatives... It's like going back to junior high for some, though. You know, when some people get like dozens of "likes" for a photo, and others, very few. Typing this out even feels a bit childish. It's like this past Mother's Day. I decided to go down my newsfeed and click like on every Mother's Day post/photo I saw.  I bet I clicked like or commented AT LEAST 50 times. But I know I have friends that say "fb is just another way to feel those same insecurities I had during the teen years, when some people are showered with attention and some get very little"..... And let's face it, even in adulthood we all want to be loved, accepted, given validation... And of course now we not only have ourselves we watch out for, but our children as well. I guess I didn't realize just how deeply this went for some people.... until re

Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!

Took an amazing country drive with a cute friend today...

Life lessons from the Wicked Witch of the West

I'm silly.  It's just a fact. And after years of planning, though not for want of trying, I FINALLY saw the Broadway production of 'Wicked' today. I've read the story over and over again (I really detest the book, but am so glad something amazing came out of it... the musical!!), watched the entire thing on YouTube a gazillion times, listened to the CD until it wore out, have had tickets before, and even looked into going to Chicago or Portland to see it.... but it's just never come together. The last time Rob got me tickets, Sarah ended up having her bridal shoot that weekend in Utah.... and there was NO way under heaven and earth I'd have missed being with her for that (one of the funnest nights of my life!).  But what can you do when you buy tickets six months in advance? So, Rob took Ally.... and of course, Ally, being Ally, was totally enthralled by it. Rob, not so much. But, because he's a good man and the epitome of selflessness, h