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Hugs in the produce department, hidden love notes and Union Jack handbags...

It's been kind of a strange week.  A GREAT week, but also one filled with ups and downs.

Rob flew to DC Sunday afternoon for business meetings and a day later Ally flew back to meet him for a week of fun.  So happy for both of them to spend this time together and for Ally to enjoy such a great great city.

I was lucky enough to have TLB stay after the farewell.... soo blessed am I to have her for a mother!  Every time I say goodbye to her it gets harder.  Here I am in my late 40's and I bawl like a baby when I drive away from her home or when I drop her off at the airport.  It was more difficult than I could have imagined when she left today.

Today, I'd dropped her off, hugged her and cried.... as I drove away and she was walking into the airport doors she never stopped waving.  I was planning to maybe go to a movie later with friends, so I decided to drive over to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and buy a caramel apple we could split amongst each other during the movie.  I took the long way back... the road that goes behind the airport... I didn't really feel like driving 80 mph with all the other cars on the freeway.  When I got to the intersection north of the airport I was waiting at the light and looked up the hill toward the airport and saw a Delta plane taxi-ing down the runway and waiting to take off.  It was the exact time my mom's plane would be taking off and I just knew it was hers.  I pulled over and watched it ascend into the sky and cried and cried.... and thought about my mom... and how I can't imagine life without her.... and here I sit typing, crying all over again.

Whenever she leaves my house my mom leaves a note hidden somewhere.... not really hidden.... but discreet enough that I don't always find it right away.  Today it was on a chalkboard I had sitting on the counter and I had a container sitting on top of it.  She knew that when I went to move it there would be her sweet, loving note to me... and that it would be just what I'd need.

A few days ago my mom and I were out shopping...

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