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Showing posts from March, 2014

Hugs in the produce department, hidden love notes and Union Jack handbags...

It's been kind of a strange week.  A GREAT week, but also one filled with ups and downs. Rob flew to DC Sunday afternoon for business meetings and a day later Ally flew back to meet him for a week of fun.  So happy for both of them to spend this time together and for Ally to enjoy such a great great city. I was lucky enough to have TLB stay after the farewell.... soo blessed am I to have her for a mother!  Every time I say goodbye to her it gets harder.  Here I am in my late 40's and I bawl like a baby when I drive away from her home or when I drop her off at the airport.  It was more difficult than I could have imagined when she left today. Today, I'd dropped her off, hugged her and cried.... as I drove away and she was walking into the airport doors she never stopped waving.  I was planning to maybe go to a movie later with friends, so I decided to drive over to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and buy a caramel apple we could split amongst each other during the

Sister V.

Sunshine and joy and love. Matthew 5:14... Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Isaiah 55:12... For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

A story for the ages

When my grandfather, Francis, the one I was oh so very close to, was in his early 20's.... and still single, he hadn't had much to do with the church.  His mother and sister and many of his other relatives had, though.  I don't think his father had had much to do with the church either. Anyway... one Sunday afternoon he took his mother, sister and her husband out for a drive in his new Cadillac.  They stopped way out south, in the vicinity of where my parents live now.  They were thirsty and hungry and decided to get something to eat and drink at a place called 'The Cotton Bottom'.  I'm sure it was the only place around for miles back then... this was the 1930's. My grandfather, having had nothing to do with the church, ordered a beer. His sister and her husband, being very active LDS, were completely appalled and had no qualms about showing it. My great grandmother, Sarah (who my daughter Sarah is named after and the same person where much of my


Black and white... All or none... In or out... 100% Completely Totally Utterly Perfectly Entirely Wholly Fully Thoroughly So much of my life I've felt like everything (see, there I go) had to be in absolutes... Does it?