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Listy listy listies!

Anyone that knows me well knows that I'm a completely freaky list person... pretty much have been since I could write.  My family members will often come to me on busy days when we all have one common goal (but different tasks) and say in very enthusiastic voices (not really) "okay, gim'me my list".

So, here's my list of everything I want to say (this blog has become like my journal-scrapbook) since I've hardly written anything the past several months:

The Great Brain series
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Ally's blankie
Tin foil dinners
Meteor showers
Connie Britton
Neighborhood Watch
Eric Dowdle
Parma Motor-Vu
My Austrian Pine
The month of July :-|
My security sheet
Natalie Grant
The Huntington Library and Gardens
Ally - scones - Mona Lisa - La Vie en rose - At Last
'Rule the World' by Take That
Grace Kelly's wardrobe and in particular the multi strand pearl bracelet with gold lockets featured in 'Rear Window'

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