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Showing posts from September, 2011

The doctor scales....

Supposed to freak you out, right?  Knowing that most likely your scales at home are "light" in comparison... Weellllllllllllll... not mine.  Hehehe... I feel like I'm laughing "all the way to the bank". A few months ago I typed out a list on here of everything I wanted to write about, or things others had requested and one was "going to the doctors office and weighing five lbs less than your home scales say". Again... not this time.  Was at his office just a few days ago, stepped up on that big black and white sucker... AND, this time I actually said to the nurse, "are you sure your scales are right?"  She gave me that look... yes, THAT look.  So I said, "mine at home say I weigh 12 lbs more"... to which she was stunned and said "hmm".

The Homecoming Dress

  Sarah ~ 2008 Ally ~ 2011

Remembering 9/11...

Everyone's saying it; "can't believe it's been ten years since IT happened"... Don't think I've ever written about how I felt that morning, or in the days preceding. I had been up with Ally (in first grade at the time) all night who had croupe and strep throat.  I had only fallen asleep about an hour before the phone rang... Rob calling home sounding a slightly bit concerned (as rattled as Rob can possibly sound... anyone who knows him knows that he is rarely stressed and NEVER gets worked up over anything... a reasonably sensible guy) over things he was hearing.  As he asked me questions, I could hear panic and sirens in the background.  One of the first things he asked was if I knew what was going on.  He said they were hearing stories about the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (to which I panicked a bit... having lived not far from the Pentagon and knowing that area very well).  He asked me to turn on the TV....  I, like so many others watched i