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My TO DO list for the week....

Trip to Seattle is off till October *sigh*, but at least my girls will get to spend the week together in Dallas... and Rob is taking his mom to South Carolina for a conference...


Here I am... and as usual, using ellipses WAY too much...

Garage ('specially after what Claire B. found in her yard yesterday) *bleck*
My upstairs room *ehh*
Going to see a movie, or two... all by myself (a first)
Spray paint a bunch of stuff
Make some jewelry
Go to dinner with a few people or get take out (no cookin')
Go to Barnes & Noble late and stay till it closes
Load up on virgin strawberry dacquiris
Maybe put together a few florals
Bandana quilts/tablecloths
Maybe try and watch some episodes of Twin Peaks again
Take a little trip to Bown Crossing
Finish faux Pottery Barn clocks

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