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Showing posts from July, 2011

Aww... look what my cute nieces found....

<3 'em!!

Lighter moments with the postman...

 Was at the post office yesterday and when I approached the counter, the employee who's always incredibly nice said "hey!  how'd you like the Thursday special?"... heh, I laughed and went on.  Told him I needed lots of postcard stamps and instead of saying "can you please give me...", I said "can you please do me".  Really?  *sigh* Got in the car, called Dutch Boy and said: "guess what I just asked the postman?" "what?" "to do me".... yeah... laugh it up buddy.

Loving Texas

These are the cute girls Sar does everything with....

On the road with Ally....

Seattle, Camano Island, Whidbey Island, Pacific NW coast...      *sigh*   Can't come soon enough....

So hilarious....

I'll let my girls tell this story through their facebook posts... lots funner that way.  And please don't mind the awful mess of this layout... trying to copy and paste from facebook is not my best work... Ally  just met katy perry cause i'm cool like that :) thank you jen and jules and si's for a great night :) Saturday at 10:15pm via Text Message Ally My proof:) Mobile Uploads Sunday at 1:35am via iPhone Sarah So in high school I had this bag and I sewed a bunch of sweet buttons on it for fun. Well my sister went to the Katy Perry concert last night and ended up going backstage to meet her! Ally had the bag with her and Katy loved it! So she pulled a button off her costume and gave it to Ally to put on the bag :)  So glad you had fun Ally! Sunday at 11:52am via Android Elizabeth Pays to sew buttons on your handbags... story to come... Saturday at 8:44pm

Flatbread Community Oven *************************** Have been to this restaurant a few times now, but never realized until today (when the friend I was with pointed out) they have many items listed that can be made gluten free... YES!!! We had the most amazing sea salt & parmesan flatbread with 3 dipping sauces.   Of course her flatbread was fluffy and poofy, where mine was flat,  but it didn't matter... it was SOO good.   Other favorites are their arugula-chicken salad and tomato basil soup. 

Happily Ever After....

Go sweet Ally girl! Happily Ever After Once upon a time A child was born into this life Heaven could be seen in her eyes There was no doubt she was divine And if you are still you will feel the truth That the princess in this wondrous story is you   It’s your time It’s your destiny to shine So arise Be true to the royal That’s inside of you Don’t settle for the story that The world would have you write You were born to reach eternal life Let faith fill every chapter Let the Savior lead you to Happily ever after Sometimes in your life The world will cast a spell And try to make your conscience fall asleep And forget the woman God would have you be But if you are still you will understand The noble role you play in his plan When the forests fills with darkness And wolves seek your soul Just know You are simply in the place between Your once upon a time and your trium
The lovely Barbara is staying with me this week so I thought I'd take the opportunity to talk with her about taking flying lessons... again.  I haven't mentioned it in years (the last time left a huge impression... on both of us)... apparently nothing's changed... a BIT .  Back in the 90's, Rob gave me flying lessons for my birthday one year.  Needless to say, when my mom heard about this I thought her head might explode... not out of anger... out of sheer fear.  And can I blame her?  No.  I was a teen when my dad had his accident... everything and everyone's immortal when you're pubescent.  I remember being sad about what happened... very sad.  However, there was never any doubt that he'd make it and be good as new (not quite).  I've wanted this since my dad bought his first plane (I was 6)... in fact, for most of my life there's never (for me) been a question of it not happening.  Anyway, it's been 25+ years since that dreadful day and I sti

Simple Snow Cone Syrup

S n o w C o n e S y r u p 2 cups white sugar 1 cup water 1 (0.13 ounce) unsweetened, fruit-flavored drink mix (Koolaid) In a saucepan, stir together the sugar and water. Bring to a boil, and boil for about 1 minute. Remove from heat, and stir in the drink mix. Allow to cool, and store in a container for pouring. Pour over shaved ice to flavor. *Love this for crazy-hot days.   I tweaked it a bit though and instead of just boiling the sugar and water for 1 minute, I boil it for several minutes into a simple syrup... makes it thicker.  Also, if you have a Sonic nearby, pick up a bag of ice... you can either pour the syrup over the ice as is or shave the ice.  Nothing beats the amazingness of Sonic ice.  When Ally was little and used to have her snow cone stand, I'd make several different flavors at once and pour each into a plastic squeeze bottle.  Made for easy access/pouring and clean up.

'The Help' in theaters August 11th... YAY!    

It's that lavender time of year.....

And for the fourth year out of seven, the lovely Barbara will be going with me.  Also, this time I'm remembering my camera (if I can find the darn battery cord). *Forecast for Saturday:  86 degrees and sunny....

Things I need to write about....

Spatulas.... New flick, 'The Help' Wishing I could spend the rest of the summer with our families.... MISS YOU! Clinique's 'Even Better' tinted moisturizer 'Outlander' series KFC coleslaw recipe OneRepublic - 'Waking Up' How much it sucks after four months to be "gluten-free" [blah] Sephora heated eyelash curler What it's like having your daughter move to Dallas and be part of a girls group (will not say "women"... yet ) which includes things like recipe night and such. Using new adjectives My love for all things 'hoot-owlish' The joys of picking up a can of spray paint again... day after day :-D The results of briefly hitting your calf on a Rubbermaid container and the many costly visits to medical professionals it can cause. 'Shabby Apple' Snow cone syrup recipe Loving my new deodorant Finishing the 'Lost' series for the second time all the way through and having even more questions