Even though I get on there and click away... actually, not anymore. Most times these days I'm taking stuff off. I wiped out several boards around Christmastime and lost bunches of followers... which is awesome, I HATE it that people can follow me... and couldn't have been happier when they came up with 'secret boards'. I'm MORE than happy to share what I find with people, I'm prolly TOO open about almost (note: almost!) every area of my life... but there are times you just want to keep some things to yourself... like a deeply personal problem or health issue. Anyway, the author expresses exactly how I feel about it... I love Pinterest... and yet, I loathe it, too. I've very much tried to keep my own personal style... and there have been times where I've thought "I'm sure people that see what I pin must wonder what on earth I'm thinking".... Guess what? I don't care. And I haven't. I may have thousands of pins, but I have stuck with my guns on what *I* love.
I can TOTALLY relate...