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Showing posts from August, 2011

New fave food website....

Wicked Tour 2012   Thinking of getting tickets to either the Portland  showing in the spring or the summer showing in Salt Lake. Ally loved it when it was here in Boise in May and we've  listened to the CD over and over again this summer... not that I'm complaining... I LOVE it!  

How sweet it is....

I love the pics Ally snaps "in the moment" with her phone...

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton  

True Religion:

“... the task of any  religion is to teach us whom  we’re required to love,   not whom we’re entitled  to hate.” ~Rabbi Harold Kushner~ "Pure religion and undefiled before God  and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction , and to keep himself unspotted from the world."   ~James 1:27~

My TO DO list for the week....

Trip to Seattle is off till October *sigh*, but at least my girls will get to spend the week together in Dallas... and Rob is taking his mom to South Carolina for a conference... So... Here I am... and as usual, using ellipses WAY too much... Garage ('specially after what Claire B. found in her yard yesterday) *bleck* My upstairs room *ehh* Going to see a movie, or two... all by myself (a first) Spray paint a bunch of stuff Make some jewelry Go to dinner with a few people or get take out (no cookin') Go to Barnes & Noble late and stay till it closes Load up on virgin strawberry dacquiris Maybe put together a few florals Bandana quilts/tablecloths Maybe try and watch some episodes of Twin Peaks again Take a little trip to Bown Crossing Finish faux Pottery Barn clocks