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Showing posts from June, 2015

Today has been one of those days.

Blah. Not feeling like there's a whole lot you do right. Having things you put a lot of thought into come back to bite you. Also knowing that tomorrow..... or maybe even the next day..... is another day. Knowing you've had these days before. And that you got through them. And you're still here. And Heavenly Father is still the same. That His love never changes and never will. The sun WILL come out tomorrow.... And be 110 degrees.  :-||||||| *Edit** Got on fb a few minutes ago and at the top of my newsfeed TJ's mom had posted this.... Thanks Dina.  

Best popcorn ever!!

And of course..... ......  don't forget this!!!

Never. ever. let your husband be the one to remove your bright, red, toenail polish....

.... before you go to the podiatrist. (long story..... just take my word for it) On a brighter note, I ordered new Chucks today.  Yippeee!