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Showing posts from December, 2014

Saying "you're welcome"

*From December 7th.... (this got put in the draft file) I learned something this last Sunday in RS from a sister I greatly adore.  It's something I've thought to myself many times, but never said out loud or really even put into words. I asked her to write it down for me because she put it into words so well (thanks Rachael).... "It was actually something my dad said once. He said that you should never answer a thank you with a 'no problem' or 'it was nothing' because it probably is something to that person and by saying 'no problem' you are kind of diminishing their thanks and what you did for them. So always answer a thank you with a 'you're welcome'." I always catch myself replying with "no biggie, easy peasy", when in reality some times it really is a bigger deal..... something I put time and effort into..... and I did it because I love and care about the recipient.  And what's wrong with them knowing that?

'Silent Night'

Listening to the MoTab sing it for the closing of the First Presidency Christmas Devotional..... And it's changed my whole attitude toward Christmas. So did our RS lesson today. All I want to do now is...

Emma Lou Thayne

I was lucky enough to meet her while volunteering and running projects at the Lowell Bennion Center when I was going to school at the University of Utah. She passed away yesterday. She was one of my heroes..... she lived a remarkable life filled with service. From the Deseret News in Utah.... Thayne's family says her life was marked by helping everyone who she came in contact with feel important, whether it was her hair dresser, the president of a college, or somebody at a gas station. "Her whole essence was people, and just living life to the fullest every second of every day," Thayne's daughter, Shelley Rich, said.

Today...... well, yesterday (I'm 90 minutes past), 24 years ago....

..... my life changed forever. A baby girl came into my life and made me grow in ways I never thought possible. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant with her that I already loved her more than I had ever loved anyone and that from that moment on I would be a different person. For the first time in my life every decision I made became about this tiny little flicker of a heartbeat inside of me. I was crazy protective. Nutso.

20 years ago on this very date.....

...... at this very time... A beautiful, silver-haired, rosy red lipped, baby girl was born...... to me. And since that moment she has brought me nothing but joy and love and a wonder at the goodness of her heart and purity of her spirit.