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Showing posts from January, 2014

TLB and I are setting out for Hobby Lobby in a bit....

... and buying items to make a craft today.  Hehehe! TLB does NOT do crafts.  She pays others to make them for her.  Totally endearing!! And even though she says she doesn't enjoy them, when I can get her to do something (maybe once out of every ten years), she always seems extra proud when she finishes it. There's something she does do that I never have been able to.... knitting.  And she's great at it.  And knitting seems much more chic anyway.  So even in her non-domesticity.... except that she's also a very accomplished cook, she's mega cool! Anyway.... we'll see how the day goes. We're going to do a Valentine quilling project. I learned how to quill when I was 8.... it was one of the first crafty things I learned. TLB had a neighbor teach me.  She'd see I'd have an interest in something and sign me up for lessons or pay someone to teach me.  What a lucky daughter I've been!  I learned all the important things about life from

Sometimes something just jumps out at you and leaves a thought-less impression...

This^^ so did... What an amazing earth we live on!  Divine powers.... only the ultimate creative mind could have begun all this and seen the potential in such a thing as an acorn.  Oh, I believe in evolution and science.  But I also believe in the great eternal round!  That it takes all.... the physical, the intellectual... the spiritual.  Meshing those three things together sends a thrill through me that's hard to describe.  And that'll be my goal for today... to put into words my thoughts and feelings on the powers and beauty of creation.  I can hope... there is that. 

This changed my week

Especially the first two minutes... Watching this cute new mom... hold her teeny tiny baby boy for the first time and all the emotion that came with it... wow.  I watch it over and over again and when she first has him all snuggled up to her against her own skin I can barely breathe.

Martin Luther King Day

You know how I love the art Google always uses for their homepage.  Someday I hope they make a nice big picture coffee table book of it all. Anyway, since it is MLK Day, I thought I'd post all those I could find for his recognition over the years.

Purple Long Johns....

I think I'll let Dutch Boy explain this one.

Love love love love love this post about Pinterest!!

Even though I get on there and click away... actually, not anymore.  Most times these days I'm taking stuff off.  I wiped out several boards around Christmastime and lost bunches of followers... which is awesome, I HATE it that people can follow me... and couldn't have been happier when they came up with 'secret boards'.  I'm MORE than happy to share what I find with people, I'm prolly TOO open about almost (note: almost!) every area of my life... but there are times you just want to keep some things to yourself... like a deeply personal problem or health issue.  Anyway, the author expresses exactly how I feel about it... I love Pinterest... and yet, I loathe it, too.  I've very much tried to keep my own personal style... and there have been times where I've thought "I'm sure people that see what I pin must wonder what on earth I'm thinking"....  Guess what?  I don't care.  And I haven't.  I may have thousands of pins, but I hav

Grace, blimey, a guest post, an ever beautiful new nephew, minimalizing and wish lanterns...

First of all, my Ally girl set up her mission blog yesterday... Secondly, I asked The Lovely Barbara to send me her talk in church on gratitude and told her I wanted to post it... since I asked her to write a post a few months ago.  So, I'll be typing it up and posting it in a little bit. I have a new nephew... and he is absolutely, hands-down the most beautiful baby boy ever!  Can't wait to hold him again.  He has black hair, dark skin and blue eyes! Next... I've decided to play this little game: I love all things lanterns and kites!  Last time I counted I had more lanterns than a pioneer and every March I buy a new kite (I LOVE anything that flies!), the kind that cost a dollar, for myself...  and I to go to a park or big open space and fly them... sooo, when I saw these (wish lanterns) I knew I had to buy some for next New Years! I want it to be the new way of hoping for a great year

This was shared on fb this morning....

And I always love it when some wise words are laid out clearly, concisely and simply for me.... And I thought I'd download it, print it and put it on my bathroom mirror, or, of course, the fridge... however... The eternal optimist and "always look for the positive" side of me found me wanting to do this with it:

Resolutions? Not really...

They never change. However, I am WAY excited about this! Just ordered it on Amazon this morning... A daily dose... THEE best!