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Showing posts from May, 2011

13 days and counting...

feel as if I shouldn't open my mouth in front anyone at this point (except to breathe)... seems like every time I start to say something I'm spewing out absurdities... ramblings of psycho babble.   I've had the time of my life with Sar the past 3-4 months, but my brain is in fry-mode and my personality doesn't leave much to be desired.    I am SO EXCITED for the wedding; for my Sarah and her TJ... to reminisce over her very brief life so far on this earth (it's been too short and now I'm bawling... time flies, but she'll always and forever be MY little girl)... to be able to see family, old friends and new... just being together with those we love.  I was particularly ecstatic this last weekend when at one of Sar's showers three of my sister-in-laws decided they were coming back to Boise with me to help with reception #2... they're my Godsends and just having them near for support means the world to me.  I also couldn't be more grateful right n

Cool beans...

'All This Time'....

Sarah & TJ's song... <3  

No need for a Fairy Godmother....

  More like Sleeping Beauty ... ... As I'd like to cast a spell upon her to  slumber blissfully away the next few years and keep her from all those testosterone-pumping brutes.