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Showing posts from February, 2011

My BEAUTIFUL baby....

Just a shot she snapped with her little camera one day when she was bored.  Sorta leaves me speechless...

Careful... you just might get what you wish for

When we first moved into our neighborhood 12 years ago, one of the things I loved most was how many trees the developers had planted.  Honestly, I hadn't seen so many trees since living in Virginia.  I couldn't wait for them to all get huge so we'd have lots of shade, leaves to play in in the fall, birds nests, squirrels... and there... that's where I went wrong.  I remember how excited I was when the squirrels moved in... I knew our neighborhood was definitely growing up.  I loved watching them run along our fenceline and having Maddy (our yellow Lab) go berserk not being able to catch them.  I even bought a squirrel Christmas tree ornament the first year they made an appearance, just to commemorate the friendship. Times have changed.... First of all, we have a steep little roof over our dining room area that runs right up and flush with Ally's window.  Our furry-tailed friends (there are SEVERAL) love to stand and peer in at Ally through her window and watch h

'Wreck This Journal'

Some of my nieces received this as a Christmas gift, so I ordered two... one for Ally and one for me (thought it would be fun to do together).   'Wreck This Journal' by Keri Smith as described on Amazon: "For anyone who's ever wished to, but had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes Wreck This Journal, an illustrated book that features a subversive collection of prompts, asking readers to muster up their best mistake- and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book (and destroy them). Acclaimed illustrator Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in "destructive" acts-poking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting with coffee, and more-in order to experience the true creative process. Readers discover a new way of art and journal making-and new ways to escape the fear of the blank page and fully engage in the creative process." Here are some of the images I found online of what other

'All Things Provident' by Tamara Price

This woman is soo inspiring! I heard her speak in January and couldn't believe all the creative things she does with food. Check out her site. I finally feel like cooking healthy, last minute meals by using what I have in the pantry is a whole lot easier.

Heart-shaped rocks...

Ever have one of *those* obsessions?  Yeah yeah... I've got MANY... get in line. I've been in search of a heart-shaped rock for years... it's like a never-ending quest for me.  Every time we're outside - on a hike, picnic, camping... I'm looking... can't give it up.  My mom has a few that she's found and that others have found for her.  I have to admit, I'm not usually a covetous/jealous person, but I really do feel this way when I see hers.  I'd ask her if I can have one of hers, but it's not the same as finding it or having someone you love find one for you... just for you... only you.  <3 *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

I struggle with the REAL intent of keeping a blog...

 Why?  Why do I want to put my personal opinions, hopes, goals, health education, family goings-on... what have you, out for all the world to see (not that really anyone knows I started posting on a blog again... and I'm finery with that)?  Until very recently I kept this blog to myself (almost an entire year) for fear of getting caught up in the whole "who posted what" and "who reads whose" blog.  Then, a friend told me that at the end of a year, if you order (and pay...a very minimal fee), there are certain printing companies who will print up in book form everything you posted on your blog for that year... the one real reason why I decided to continue this since I've been so horrible at journaling the past several years.  Who knows, maybe I'll set it back to private again... for only my eyes to see.  I just wanted to toss this thought out there.  Blogs are a wonderful way for keeping up with friends and family, learning new ideas and ways of doing th

Anyone over 40 and STILL using Clearasil?

What the frack!?!? *sigh* WTH do they tell you when you're 14 that as soon as puberty ends, no more zits, pimples, blemishes (all nasty words... whatever you want to call them)... *sigh* 

Which feet belong to Miss Ally?

If you guessed the Converse pink high tops, you know my daughter well. An upper shot of she and Parker... cuties.

Really? Is the shark HONESTLY believable?

Watched 'Jaws' with the Ally girl this morning.  When that thing comes bitin' after the men, it looks like it's trying to catch a fly in the air with it's mouth and swallow it... no smoothness whatsoever...  no polished shark moves.  Ally's all "this show is why I hate the bathtub".  Really... Ally?  Perspective, sweetie... perspective.  It looked more real hanging upside down (and supposedly dead) when we saw the thing at Universal Studios. "It is as if God created the devil and gave him......... jaws." Now let's not get carried away. I do, however, LOVE the music... though I find myself looking over my shoulder while it's playing...

Am loving this subway art found on 'eighteen25's' blog...

And they seem to be making them for EVERY holiday.  Such fun! Download, print and frame... Voila! Thought I'd also add their Valentine's Day and Christmas versions: *Cute Jen from 'eighteen25' emailed me some great tips for printing this off in a 16 x 20 at Costco.  First, don't use the quick load version when uploading a print this large.  And secondly, always turn off the 'autocorrect' at the end right before you place your order... Costco has a box you can check.  This way Costco's machines don't try to edit the colors.  Thanks Jen!  You're a dear.

Ahh, Motherhood...

" Motherhood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have. It's about understanding that he/she is exactly the person he/she is supposed to be. And that, if you're lucky, he/she just might be the teacher who turns you into the person you are supposed to be."   ~Exceptional Family~

*cue Aussie accent; "Do these come in a larger size?" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Thought I'd post some wedding info...

The date is set for June 11th Wedding...the Bountiful Temple Salt Lake reception...The Point Still trying to figure out the Boise open house...

'Modern Family'

 Am a newcomer to this series and have totally fallen for it.  So far, my fave scene was one I saw last night.  I think I love it cuz I can relate to it so much... yes, it sort of happened to me years ago, but not via the computer.  I was caught in my underwear in the garage by a male neighbor.  Sadly too, I look nowhere near, nor will I ever look as hot as Claire does in her...umm... unmentionables.  Enjoy! Best is the final parting 'cover up' shot.

'Bar Keepers Friend' Love this stuff... it's inexpensive, works wonders... especially on glass stove tops and can be found at WalMart and Target.  I got tired of the costly cleaners that took a lot of elbow grease and a friend told me about this.  Have never looked back.  ;-)

I've been lovin' on this song a ton lately....

By Restless Heart... 'I'll Be Loving You'... can't stop listenin' to it.  *sigh*

Winborg Sisters Design

Happened to be watching 'Modern Family' tonight for the first time (the pilot) when Mitchell and Cameron bring Lily home and totally gasped when they take her into her nursery... talk about to-die-for!  Especially the colorful painting/print hanging above the changing table.  Of course I had to find it (love love love the internet for this reason!) and did on Etsy.... Voila! here it is... It's by 'Winborg Sister's Design' out of Utah.  Check out their incredible artwork on their Etsy site (link below).


Love this site!  Was trying to find a certain look for a project I can't seem to get just right and came across 'Terrain'.  It has many fabulous gardening ideas and items. And BTW, this is the cool lookin' clam basket I'm ordering and plan to fill with several of my spheres (don't really want to put an exact number on how many I have... we'll just say lots and leave it at that).

Goals/Projects for February... *sigh*

Ugh... now that I've felt better for the last SEVERAL months, I need to get back into a routine of putting my nose to the grindstone and getting more accomplished.  As many of you have requested, I may even put up pictures this time (sorry, no driveway projects - still too cold). So, here goes: 1) Turn Ally's bedroom into a Paris pink, black and white, Eiffel-Towered, Audrey Hepburn wonder. 2) Florals for entryway and our bedroom. 3) Turn Sarah's old room into "Sarah and TJ's room".  Unless TJ doesn't mind floral and striped Hawaiin prints in Gerber Daisy colors. 4) Re-do Valentines Day red rose wreath, berry door wreath and finish shamrock arrangements. 5) Pot and repot all the many plants hangin' around the house. 6) Start flowers, herbs and veggie garden indoors. 7) Get the garage and office cleaned out once and for all!!  Bleck... I hate this one  :-P And the many other thousand things I'm determined over.....